This is a quick and delicious soup which is best if you have some wild garlic, but if it is out of season or you aren’t a forager, a crushed clove of regular garlic and some parsely will do. Here is enough for four generous servings.

  • 2-3 leeks depending on size, washed and chopped
  • butter or olive oil (vegan)

Sweat the leeks for 5 minutes in a pan. Add

  • 250g chestnut musgrooms, chopped
  • 250g white mushrooms, chopped
  • pinch of dried thyme or leaves from a sprig of fresh thyme
  • (1 clove of garlic, crushed and chopped if you are not using wild garlic)

Cook away for another 5-10 minutes until soft. Add

  • 1 L vegetable stock
  • Generous handful of wild garlic leaves, chopped

Simmer for 5-10 minutes. If you weren’t using wild garlic and would like some green vibes in the soup, a small bunch of parsely leaves chopped can be added towards the end of the cooking. Allow to cool slightly then zap with a stick blender to the level of smoothness you like. Add up to half a tub of creme fraiche (or vegan cream) depending how creamy you like it. Adjust the seasoning, warm up and serve.